
Formed March 9, 1883 (37th county)

Hettinger County (2,483), Mott (655)

The tan brick Art Deco courthouse was erected in 1934.  It is on Pacific Avenue at 4th Street.  North Dakota State Highway 8 is eight blocks to the east of the courthouse.  A. J. Weinberger is the building designer.  An eagle sits in front of the courthouse.  A 1907 wooden courthouse preceded this one in Mott, the only county seat.  The county was founded on March 9, 1883 as the 37th county.  The county was named for Mathias K. Hettinger, relative of a settler.  Mott was named for Lillian Mott, the secretary of the town’s founder. 

Hettinger County government consists of a recorder, a sheriff, an attorney, and a treasurer (executive).  It has 3 Commissioners (legislative.)  Four District Court Judges serve Hettinger, Adams, Billings, Bowman, Dunn, Golden Valley, Slope, and Stark counties and a court clerk serves Hettinger County (judicial.)  Hettinger County is in southwest North Dakota.  Bismarck, North Dakota is east and Minot, North Dakota is northeast of the county.  The county center is 7.9 miles West of Mott nearer Regent.  The county is surrounded clockwise by Stark, Grant, Adams, and Slope counties. 

The area of the county is 1132 square miles.  It is 30 out of 53 in the state.  It ranks 37 out of 53 in population in the state.  It has a density of 2.2 persons per square mile making it 41 out of 53 in the state.  Hettinger County has 61.3% of its population in its incorporated areas.  There are no Interstates or United States Highways in the county.  The overall shape of the county is rectangular.  Mott is located in the southeast quarter of the county.  Mott is the county seat and the largest city.  It is 29.1% of the county population.  The county is pronounced HET-IN-GUR.

Location in State and Municipalities


New England


Jerry Fager