Formed January 4, 1873 (19th county)
Sheridan County (1,273), McClusky (324)
A concrete Art Deco building is the 1938 courthouse. Sheridan County was organized on January 4, 1873 as the 19th county. The county is named for Civil War General Phillip Sheridan. The county seat is named for William H. McClusky. Sheridan County is the birthplace of 1 North Dakota governor; John E. Davis. The courthouse sits on a square at 2nd Street East, B Avenue East, 3rd Street East, and C Avenue East. North Dakota State Highway 200 is one block north of the courthouse. Ira L. Rush is the courthouse architect. Veteran memorials are in front of the building. There was a 1910 courthouse previously in McClusky, the only county seat.
Sheridan County government consists of a recorder, a sheriff, an attorney, and a treasurer (executive). It has 3 Commissioners (legislative.) Seven District Court Judges serve Sheridan, Burleigh, Emmons, Grant, Kidder, Logan, McIntosh, McLean, Mercer, Morton, Oliver, and Sioux counties and a court clerk serves Sheridan County (judicial.) The county is in central North Dakota. The geographical center of North Dakota is 5 miles southwest of McClusky in the county. Bismarck, North Dakota is south and Grand Forks, North Dakota is east of the county. The county center is 11.6 miles Northeast of McClusky nearer Denhoff. The county is surrounded clockwise by Pierce, Wells, Kidder, Burleigh, McLean, and McHenry counties.
The area of the county is 972 square miles. It is 43 out of 53 in the state. It ranks 51 out of 53 in population in the state. It has a density of 1.3 persons per square mile making it 51 out of 53 in the state. Sheridan County has 39.0% of its population in its incorporated areas. United States Highway 52 clips the northeast corner of the county from McHenry County, northwest, to Wells County, east. The county is shaped like a bottle. McClusky is located in the southwest quarter of the county. McClusky is the county seat and the largest city. It is 25.5% of the county population. The county seat is pronounced MAK-KLU-SKEE.