
Formed January 22, 1858 (126th county)

Concho County (3,303), Paint Rock (239), Eden (1,847)

The red roofed, stone Second Empire courthouse, built in 1883, stands out in this small community.  Frederick E. Ruffini designed the structure located at the intersection of United States Highway 83 and Texas Farm to Market Route 380.  Two courthouses have served Concho County since its formation on January 22, 1858.  Both of these have been located in Paint Rock.  The county was formed from Bexar County as the 126th county.  Concho County is named the river flowing through the northern part of the county just north of Paint Rock.  Concho is Spanish for “shell.”  The county seat was named for a nearby bluff with many Native American paintings. 

Concho County government consists of a sheriff, a County Judge, and 4 Commissioners.  One District Court Judge serves Concho, Runnels, and Tom Green counties and Two County Court Judges serve Concho County.  The county is located just east of San Angelo, Texas in the center part of the state.  The county center is 14.9 miles Southeast of Paint Rock nearer Millersview.  The county is surrounded clockwise by Runnels, Coleman, McCulloch, Menard, Schleicher, and Tom Green counties. 

The area of the county is 992 square miles.  It is 75 out of 254 in the state.  It ranks 217 out of 254 in population in the state.  It has a density of 3.3 persons per square mile making it 215 out of 254 in the state.  Concho County has 63.2% of its population in its incorporated areas.  United States Highway 83 crosses north to south, Runnels County to Menard County.  United States Highway 87 transits the county from McCulloch County, east, to Tom Green County, west.  The county is mainly rectangular with the northeast cut off by the Colorado River.  Paint Rock is in the northern part of the county.  Eden is in the southern quarter of the county.  Paint Rock is the county seat and Eden is the largest city.  Paint Rock is 7.2% of the county population while Eden is 55.9% of the county population.  The county is pronounced KON-CHOE.  The largest city is pronounced EE-DEN.

Location in State and Municipalities


Paint Rock

Jerry Fager