
Formed June 5, 2007 (17th borough)

Skagway Municipality (1,242), Skagway (1,242)

The courthouse blends the outdoors appearance with a more modern look.  The facility is located at 7th and Spring streets.  The borough was established on June 5, 2007 as the 17th borough.  Skagway is Native American for “place where the North wind blows.”  The center of the municipality is 10.7 miles North-Northwest of Skagway. 

Skagway Municipality government consists of a police chief, financial director, a mayor, district attorney, and a clerk (executive).  It has 6 assembly members (legislative.)  Five Superior Judges and Three District Judges serve the First Judicial District which includes Skagway Municipality (judicial.)  The municipality is located in the southeast part of the state on the border with Canada.  The municipality is surrounded by Canada and Haines Borough. 

The area of the municipality is 434 square miles.  It is 30 of 30 in size.  It ranks 28 out of 30 in population in the state.  It has a density of 2.49 persons per square mile making it 8 out of 30 in the state.  Skagway Municipality has 100% of its population in its incorporated areas.  Interstate Highway 98 originates at the border with Canada and terminates in the City of Skagway.  The municipality and seat are combined into a single government.

Location in State
Jerry Fager
Courthouse (Jimmy Emerson)