Formed February 6, 1917 (38th county)
Butte County (2,575), Arco (880)
The small red brick courthouse for Butte County is located on Grand Avenue between Water and Idaho streets. United States Highway 20 is Grand Avenue in the town. The courthouse was built in 1920 in Federalist style. Utah Construction Canal Limited are the architects. An Annex was created recently with the purchase of an existing veterans building. Butte County was created on February 6, 1917 as the 38th county with Arco as the only county seat. The county is named for the numerous volcanic buttes in the area. The county seat is named for German inventor Georg von Arco.
Butte County government consists of a sheriff, a prosecuter, a coroner, a clerk, a treasurer, and an assessor (executive). It has 3 Commissioners (legislative.) Five Circuit Court Judges and a Magistrate Court Judge serve Butte, Bingham, Bonneville, Clark, Custer, Fremont, Jefferson, Lemhi, Madison, and Teton counties (judicial.) The county is in southeast Idaho. Idaho Falls, Idaho is east and Pocatello, Idaho is southeast of the county. The county center is 9.5 miles East of Arco nearer Butte City. The county is surrounded clockwise by Clark, Jefferson, Bingham, Blaine, Custer, and Lemhi counties.
The area of the county is 2233 square miles. It is 11 out of 44 in the state. It ranks 42 out of 44 in population in the state. It has a density of 1.2 persons per square mile making it 41 out of 44 in the state. Butte County has 43.6% of its population in its incorporated areas. United States Highway 20 enters from the east Bingham County and exits to the west Blaine County. United States Highway 26 enters from the southeast, Bingham County, and joins United States Highway 20 to go with into Blaine County. United States Highway 93 enters from the northwest, Custer County, joins United States Highway 20, and goes southwest into Blaine County. The overall shape of the county looks like a capital letter J. Arco is in the southwest quarter of the county. Arco is the county seat and the largest city. It is 34.2% of the county population.
Butte City