Formed January 20, 1913 (28th county)
Franklin County (14,196), Preston (5,595)
The Art Deco masonry facility was built in 1940. It is sited on Oneida Street between State and West 1st streets. State Street is United States Highway 91 in the city. The structure was designed by Hyrun C. Pope. Veteran memorial columns are on the grounds. The county was established on January 20, 1913 as the 28th county with Preston as the only county seat. The county is named for Franklin D. Richards a leader in the Mormon Church. William B. Preston another leader in the Mormon Church is the namesake for the county seat.
Franklin County government consists of a sheriff, a prosecuter, a coroner, a clerk, a treasurer, and an assessor (executive). It has 3 Commissioners (legislative.) Three Circuit Court Judges and a Magistrate Court Judge serve Franklin, Bannock, Bear Lake, Caribou, Oneida, and Power counties (judicial.) The county is in the southeast part of the state on the border with Utah. The county center is 8.1 miles Northeast of Preston. The county is surrounded clockwise by Caribou and Bear Lake counties and Utah and Oneida and Bannock counties.
The area of the county is 666 square miles. It is 37 out of 44 in the county. It ranks 22 out of 44 in population in the state. It has a density of 21.3 persons per square mile making it 19 out of 44 in the state. Franklin County has 57.1% of its population in its incorporated areas. United States Highway 91 crosses north to south through the county from Bannock County to Utah. The county is shaped like a chair. Preston is in the southwest quarter of the county. Preston is the county seat and the largest city. It is 39.4% of the county population. This county is in the Logan Metropolitan Statistical Area.