
Formed March 23, 1887 (104th county)

Haskell County (3,781), Sublette (1,453)

A Modern concrete courthouse was constructed in 1978 on a square of Inman, Courthouse, Wooten, and Chouteau streets.  United States Highway 56 is four blocks to the north of the courthouse.  Gibson and Mancini were the architects.  The structure is a semi-circle with carpeted hallways.  Haskell County was established on March 23, 1887 from parts of Finney and Ford counties as the 104th county.  There was a 1923 courthouse also in Sublette, the only county seat.  The county is named for United States Congressman Dudley Chase Haskell.  Sublette is named for frontiersman William L. Sublette. 

Haskell County government consists of a sheriff, a clerk, an attorney, a treasurer, a coroner, and an appraiser (executive).  It has 3 Commissioners (legislative.)  Eight District Court Judges serve Haskell, Grant, Morton, Seward, Stanton, and Stevens counties (judicial.) Haskell County is in southwest Kansas.  Dodge City, Kansas is northeast and Garden City, Kansas is north of the county.  The county center is 7.8 miles North-Northwest of Sublette.  The county is surrounded clockwise by Finney, Gray, Meade, Seward, Stevens, Grant, and Kearny counties.  The county is a square.  Sublette is in the southern quarter of the county.  Sublette is the county seat and the largest city.  It is 38.4% of the county population.

The area of the county is 577 square miles.  It is 87 out of 105 in the state.  It ranks 75 out of 105 in population in the state.  It has a density of 6.6 persons per square mile making it 63 out of 105 in the state.  Haskell County has 66.4% of its population in its incorporated areas.  United States Highway 56 crosses the county northeast to southwest from Gray County to Seward County.  United States Highway 83 goes north to south from Finney County to Seward County.  United States Highway 160 enters from the south combined with United States Highway 83, Seward County, splits and exits west, Grant County.

Location in State and Municipalities



Jerry Fager