
Formed February 23, 1887 (16th county)

Park County (17,193), Livingston (8,430)

The Modern concrete structure was built in 1976.  The facility is located on Callender Street between D and E streets.  United States Highway 89 is one block to the northwest.  A nicer courthouse preceded the current one.  Johnson Graham Associates are the architects.  Veteran memorials are on the grounds and a canon with canon balls guard the site.  Park County was organized on February 23, 1887 as the 16th county with Livingston as the only county seat.  It is named for Yellowstone National Park.  The county seat is named for railroad officer Crawford Livingston. 

Park County government consists of a sheriff and 3 Commissioners.  One District Court Judge serves Park and Sweet Grass counties.  The county is on the southern border with Wyoming.  Billings, Montana is northeast and Great Falls, Montana is northwest of the county.  The Yellowstone River flows through the county.  The county center is in Livingston .9 miles East of the city center.  The county is surrounded clockwise by Meagher, Sweet Grass, Stillwater, and Carbon counties and Wyoming and Gallatin County.  

The area of the county is 2656 square miles.  It is 21 out of 56 in the state.  It ranks 11 out of 56 in population in the state.  It has a density of 6.5 persons per square mile making it 12 out of 56 in the state.  Park County has 51.0% of its population in its incorporated areas.  Interstate Highway 90 travels through the county east to west from Sweet Grass County to Gallatin County.  United States Highway 89 crosses north to south from Meagher County to Wyoming.  United States Highway 191 is joined with Interstate Highway 90 from Sweet Grass to Gallatin counties.  United States Highway 212 clips the southeast corner of the county coming out of Wyoming and reentering Wyoming within an 11-mile stretch.  The highest point in Montana, Granite Peak, is in the county.  The county is shaped like a capital letter L with an extra foot added in the southwest.  Livingston is near the center of the county.  Livingston is the county seat and the largest city.  It is 49.0% of the county population.

Location in State and Municipalities

Clyde Park


Jerry Fager