
Formed March 9, 1883 (36th county)

Dunn County (4,096), Manning* (47), Killdeer (935)

A Modern brown/black brick facility is on Owens Street at Mundy Avenue.  North Dakota State Highway 22 is Owens Street in this small community.  The courthouse was built in 1995.  Richard zum Brunnen was the architect.  There was a wooden 1915 building earlier in Manning, the only county seat.  The county was formed on March 9, 1883 as the 36th county.  The county is named for settler, John Piatt Dunn.  Manning is named for rancher Daniel Manning. 

Dunn County government consists of a recorder, a sheriff, an attorney, and a treasurer (executive).  It has 5 Commissioners (legislative.)  Four District Court Judges serve Dunn, Adams, Billings, Bowman, Golden Valley, Hettinger, Slope, and Stark counties and a court clerk serves Dunn County (judicial.)  Dunn County is in western North Dakota.  Minot, North Dakota is northeast and Bismarck, North Dakota is southeast of the county.  The Missouri River forms its northeast border.  The county center is 3 miles Northeast of Manning.  The county is surrounded clockwise by Mountrail, McLean, Mercer, Stark, Billings, and McKenzie counties. 

The area of the county is 2010 square miles.  It is 6 out of 53 in the state.  It ranks 25 out of 53 in population in the state.  It has a density of 2.0 persons per square mile making it 44 out of 53 in the state.  Dunn County has 36.4% of its population in its incorporated areas.  There are no Interstates or United States Highways in the county.  The county looks like a house with a chimney on the northeast corner.  Manning is located in the southwest quarter of the county.  Killdeer is in the western third of the county.  Manning is the county seat although it is unincorporated.  Killdeer is the largest city.  Manning is 1.2% of the county population while Killdeer is 22.8% of the county population.

Location in State and Municipalities


Dunn Center



Manning (unincorporated)

Jerry Fager