
Formed November 16, 1907 (35th county)

Cimarron County (2,293), Boise City (1,165)

The 1925 red brick courthouse is located in the middle of the square at the intersection of United States Highways 56/64 and 287/385.  M. C. Parker is the Classical Revival building architect.  There was a wooden courthouse at the county formation on November 16, 1907.  Kenton was the first county seat.  Boise City became the county seat in 1908.  The county was originally part of Beaver County as the 35th county.  The county was named for the Cimarron River, which comes from the Apache word “wanderer.”  Boise is a derivative of the French “bois” which means “wooded.” 

Cimarron County government consists of a sheriff and 3 Commissioners.  Five District Court Judges serve Cimarron, Beaver, Harper and Texas counties.  The county is in the Oklahoma panhandle, as far west as Oklahoma extends.  Texas is south, Kansas and Colorado are north, and New Mexico is west.  Black Mesa, the highest point in Oklahoma, is in the county.  The county center is 7.5 miles East-Northeast of Boise City.  The county is surrounded clockwise by Colorado and Kansas and Texas County and Texas and New Mexico. 

The area of the county is 1835 square miles.  It is 4 out of 77 in the state.  It ranks 77 out of 77 in population in the state.  It has a density of 1.2 persons per square mile making it 77 out of 77 in the state.  Cimarron County has 62.7% of its population in its incorporated areas.  United States Highway 56 crosses diagonally from Texas County, east, into New Mexico, west.  United States Highway 64 enters from Texas County, joins United States Highway 56, and exits into New Mexico.  United States Highway 287 comes in from Colorado on the north and goes south into Texas.  United States Highway 385 is joined with United States Highway 287 from Colorado, splits away, and heads separately south into Texas.  United States Highway 412 is joined with United States Highway 64 across the county from Texas County into New Mexico.  The county is a large rectangle shape.  The Cimarron River crosses the northern part of the county.  Boise City is located near the county’s center.  Boise City is the county seat and the largest city.  It is 50.8% of the county population.

Location in State and Municipalities

Boise City


Jerry Fager