
Formed September 19, 1789 (20th county)

Mifflin County (46,145), Lewistown (8,575)

The red brick Modern courthouse was erected in 1978.  The courthouse is on Main Street at Market Street.  United States Highway 22 is two blocks south of the site.  Jon Spalding designed the building.  A District Courthouse augments the county courthouse.  There was an 1843 courthouse previously in Lewistown, the only county seat.  The county was founded on September 19, 1789 from parts of Cumberland and Northumberland counties as the 20th county.  The county is named for Governor Thomas Mifflin.  He is also the namesake for the county seat of Juniata County.  Lewistown is named for settler William Lewis. 

Mifflin County government consists of a sheriff and 3 Commissioners.  Two Common Pleas Court Judges and Four Magistrate Court Judges serve Mifflin County.  The county is in the central part of the state.  Harrisburg, Pennsylvania is southeast and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is west of the county.  The county center is 3.9 miles West of Lewistown.  The county is surrounded clockwise by Centre, Union, Snyder, Juniata, and Huntingdon counties. 

The area of the county is 415 square miles.  It is 54 out of 67 in the state.  It ranks 46 out of 67 in population in the state.  It has a density of 111.2 persons per square mile making it 38 out of 67 in the state.  Mifflin County has 25.9% of its population in its incorporated areas.  United States Highway 22 goes east to west in the county from Juniata County to Huntingdon County.  United States Highway 322 enters joined with United States Highway 22 from Juniata County, splits and exits northwest into Centre County.  United States Highway 522 comes from Snyder County, northeast, and joins United States Highway 22 into Huntingdon County.  The county resembles a fish swimming northeast.  Lewistown is located near the center of the county.  Lewistown is the county seat and the largest city.  It is 18.6% of the county population.  This county is in the Lewistown Micropolitan Statistical Area.

Location in State and Municipalities


Juniata Terrace




Newton Hamilton

Jerry Fager
Old Courthouse (Courthouses.co)
District Courthouse (Courthouses.co)