
Formed January 31, 1850 (3rd county)

Sanpete County (28,435), Manti (3,428), Ephraim (5,605)                

The masonry Art Deco courthouse was constructed in 1935.  It is located on Main Street between 100 North and 200 North streets.  Main Street is United States Highway 89 through the town.  Lorenzo S. Young provided the building designs.  Sanpete County was founded on January 31, 1850 as an original county (3rd county) with Manti as the only county seat.  The county was named for a Native American chief.  The county seat name comes from a Mormon book.  The county is in the center of the state.  The geographical center of Utah is 3 miles north of Manti in the county.  Sanpete County is the birthplace of 1 Utah Governor, Spencer J. Cox. 

Sanpete County government consists of a sheriff and 3 Commissioners.  Two District Court Judges and One Juvenile Court Judge serve Sanpete, Garfield, Kane, Piute, Sevier, and Wayne counties.  Salt Lake City, Utah is north and Las Vegas, Nevada is southwest of the county.  The county center is 6.9 miles Northeast of Manti in Ephraim.  The county is surrounded clockwise by Utah, Carbon, Emery, Sevier, Millard, and Juab counties. 

The area of the county is 1590 square miles.  It is 19 out of 29 in the state.  It ranks 13 out of 29 in population in the state.  It has a density of 17.9 persons per square mile making it 10 out of 29 in the state.  Sanpete County has 83.9% of its population in its incorporated areas.  United States Highway 89 passes through the county from north to south from Utah County to Sevier County.  The county looks like a capital letter J.  Manti is located in the southern quarter of the county.  Ephraim is slightly south of center in the county.  Manti is the county seat and Ephraim is the largest city.  Manti is 12.1% of the county population while Ephraim is 19.7% of the county population.  The county is pronounced SAN-PEET.  The county seat is pronounced MAN-TEE.  The largest city is pronounced EF-RUM.

Location in State and Municipalities





Fountain Green





Mount Pleasant

Spring City



Jerry Fager