
Formed January 16, 1865 (20th county)

Sevier County (21,517), Richfield (8,222)

The Modern concrete and glass facility replaced a classier 1892 version.  The new courthouse’s year of construction and the architect is unknown.  It is located on Main Street between 200 North and 300 North streets.  Interstate Highway 70 Business is Main Street in this part of the town.  A County Administration Building supports the courthouse.  The county was organized on January 16, 1865 from Sanpete County as the 20th county with Richfield as the only county seat.  Sevier County is named for the Sevier River.  The county seat was named for a good crop of wheat. 

Sevier County government consists of a sheriff and 3 Commissioners.  Two District Court Judges and One Juvenile Court Judge serve Sevier, Garfield, Kane, Piute, Sanpete, and Wayne counties.  Sevier County is located in central Utah.  Salt Lake City, Utah is north and Las Vegas, Nevada is southwest of the county.  The county center is 21.6 miles East of Richfield nearer Glenwood.  The county is surrounded clockwise by Sanpete, Emery, Wayne, Piute, Beaver, and Millard counties. 

The area of the county is 1911 square miles.  It is 17 out of 29 in the state.  It ranks 14 out of 29 in population in the state.  It has a density of 11.3 persons per square mile making it 13 out of 29 in the state.  Sevier County has 86.8% of its population in its incorporated areas.  Interstate Highway 70 crosses east to west in the county from Emery County to Millard County.  United States Highway 50 is joined with Interstate Highway 70 from Emery County, splits and continues northwest into Millard County.  United States Highway 89 enters from Sanpete County, north, and exits to Piute County, south.  The county resembles a small letter h lying on its left side.  Richfield is located near the western border of the county.  Richfield is the county seat and the largest city.  It is 38.2% of the county population.  The county is pronounced SE-VEER.

Location in State and Municipalities



Central Valley










Jerry Fager
Administration Building (