
Formed January 17, 1862 (16th county)

Wasatch County (34,791), Heber (16,859)

The 1994 stone Modern courthouse is the newest version for the county.  The last red brick 1968 structure now houses the county administration.  An 1882 wooden courthouse preceded these buildings.  The facility is located on Main Street at 1200 Street South.  Main Street is United States Highway 40 in this part of the town.  EAD Inc., are the architects.  Wasatch County was organized on January 17, 1862 as the 16th county with Heber as the only county seat.  The county’s name is Native American for “mountain pass.”  The county seat is named for Mormon leader Heber C. Kimball. 

Wasatch County government consists of a sheriff and 3 Commissioners.  Fourteen District Court Judges and Fourteen Juvenile Court Judges serve Wasatch, Juab, Millard, and Utah counties.  The county is in northern Utah.  Salt Lake City, Utah is northwest and Grand Junction, Colorado is southeast of the county.  The county center is 20 miles Southeast of Heber nearer Timber Lakes.  The county is surrounded clockwise by Summit, Duchesne, Utah, Salt Lake, and Morgan counties. 

The area of the county is 1176 square miles.  It is 21 out of 29 in the state.  It ranks 12 out of 29 in population in the state.  It has a density of 29.6 persons per square mile making it 7 out of 29 in the state.  Wasatch County has 74.0% of its population in its incorporated areas.  United States Highway 40 passes east to west from Duchesne County to Summit County.  United States Highway 189 enters joined with United States Highway 40 from Summit County, splits and exits southwest into Utah County.  The county looks like a backward small letter r.  Heber is located in the northwest quarter of the county.  Heber is the county seat and the largest city.  It is 48.5% of the county population.  The county is pronounced WA-SACH.  The county seat is pronounced HEE-BUR.  This county is in the Heber Micropolitan Statistical Area.

Location in State








Jerry Fager
Administration Building (Courthouses.co)