Chesapeake City

Formed January 1, 1963 (126th county equivalent)

Chesapeake City (249,415), Chesapeake (249,415)

The Modern masonry and concrete building was built in 2000.  The structure is on Albemarle Drive at Holt Drive.  Virginia State Highway 165 is one block south of the site.  The TAF Group and Hellmuth, Obaata & Kassabaum combined on the designs.  It sits in an area complex of governmental buildings.  Chesapeake was formed on January 1, 1963 from a part of Norfolk County as the 126th county equivalent.  The independent city is named for the Chesapeake Bay which is named for a Native American tribe. 

Chesapeake City government consists of a sheriff, a Mayor, and 8 Council Members.  Four Circuit Court Judges and Six District Court Judges serve Chesapeake City and Thirty-four Magistrate Court Judges serve Chesapeake City and Isle of Wight and Southampton counties and Franklin, Hampton, Newport News, and Suffolk cities.  The city is in the southeast corner of the state.  North Carolina is on its southern border.  Virginia Beach, Virginia is directly to the east and Norfolk, Virginia is directly north of the city.  The city center is 5.6 miles South of downtown.  The city is surrounded clockwise by Portsmouth, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach cities and North Carolina and the City of Suffolk. 

The area of the city is 341 square miles.  It is 57 out of 133 in the state.  It ranks 7 out of 133 in population in the state.  It has a density of 731.4 persons per square mile making it 42 out of 133 in the state.  Chesapeake has 100.0% of its population in its incorporated city limits.  Interstate Highway 64 enters the city from the north, the City of Virginia Beach, and terminates.  Interstate Highway 664 comes from the northwest, the City of Suffolk, and terminates.  United States Highway 13 parallels Interstate Highway 64 from the City of Virginia Beach, and continues southwest into the City of Suffolk.  United States Highway 17 comes from the City of Suffolk and goes south into North Carolina.  United States Highway 58 enters from the City of Portsmouth, north, and joins United States Highway 13 into the City of Suffolk.  United States Highway 460 travels from the City of Norfolk, northeast, and joins United States Highway 13 into the City of Suffolk.  The city looks like a deer’s head.  This city is in the Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News Metropolitan Statistical Area.

Location in State and Municipality


Jerry Fager