Richmond City

Formed January 1, 1871 (102nd county equivalent)

Richmond City (226,618), Richmond (226,618)

The Modern steel and glass courthouse was built in 1976.  It is located at the intersection of 9th and Marshall streets.  United States Highway 250 is one block to the southwest of the location.  C. F. Murphy Associates and Wright, Jones & Wilkerson combined on the designs.  The City of Richmond was founded on January 1, 1871 from Henrico County as the 102nd county equivalent.  It is named for the Duke of Richmond.  He is also the source for Richmond County.  Richmond City is the birthplace to 4 Virginia Governors, John Rutherfoord, L. Douglas Wilder, James S. Gilmore III, and Glenn A. Youngkin. 

Richmond City government consists of a sheriff, a Mayor, and 9 Council Members.  Seven Circuit Court Judges and Ten District Court Judges serve Richmond City and Sixty-two Magistrate Court Judges serve Richmond City and Caroline, Charles City, Essex, Gloucester, Hanover, Henrico, James City, King and Queen, King George, King William, Lancaster, Mathews, Middlesex, New Kent, Northumberland, Richmond, Spotsylvania, Stafford, Westmoreland, and York counties and Fredericksburg, Poquoson, and Williamsburg cities.  The city is in eastern Virginia.  Alexandria, Virginia is north and Virginia Beach, Virginia is southeast of the city.  The James River flows through the city.  The city center is in Richmond 3.6 miles West of downtown.  The city is surrounded clockwise by Henrico and Chesterfield counties. 

The area of the city is 60 square miles.  It is 99 out of 133 in the state.  It ranks 10 out of 133 in population in the state.  It has a density of 3777.0 persons per square mile making it 9 out of 133 in the state.  Richmond has 100.0% of its population in its incorporated city limits.  Interstate Highway 64 enters the county from Henrico County, east, and reenters Henrico County, west.  Interstate Highway 95 comes from Henrico County, north, and goes into Chesterfield County, south.  United States Highway 1 parallels Interstate Highway 95 from Henrico to Chesterfield counties.  United States Highway 33 comes from the northwest, Henrico County, and terminates.  United States Highway 60 enters from the east, Henrico County, and exits to the southwest, Chesterfield County.  United States Highway 360 comes from the northeast, Henrico County, and goes to the southwest, Chesterfield County.  The Virginia state capitol is located in this city.  James Monroe, the 5th President is buried in this city.  The city is shaped like a sprig of broccoli.  This city is in the Richmond Metropolitan Statistical Area.

Location in State and Municipality


Jerry Fager