Suffolk City

Formed January 1, 1974 (130th county equivalent)

Suffolk City (94,326), Suffolk (94,326)

The Modern red brick courthouse was built in 2011.  The facility is on Main and Bank streets.  Virginia State Highway 10 is Main Street.  Moseley, Harris & McClintock are the architects.  The structure has faux columns.  The city was established on January 1, 1974 from Nansemond County as the 130th county equivalent.  It is named for Suffolk, England.  Suffolk City is the birthplace to 1 Virginia Governor, Mills E. Godwin, Jr. 

Suffolk City government consists of a sheriff, a Mayor, and 7 Council Members.  Two Circuit Court Judges and Six District Court Judges serve Suffolk City and Isle of Wight and Southampton counties and Franklin City and Thirty-four Magistrate Court Judges serve Suffolk City and Isle of Wight and Southampton counties and Chesapeake, Franklin, Hampton, and Newport News cities.  The city is on the southeast border with North Carolina.  Virginia Beach, Virginia is east and Richmond, Virginia is northwest of the city.  The city center is in Suffolk 2.3 miles North of downtown.  The city is surrounded clockwise by Newport News, Portsmouth, and Chesapeake cities and North Carolina and Southampton and Isle of Wight counties. 

The area of the city is 400 square miles.  It is 46 out of 133 in the state.  It ranks 22 out of 133 in population in the state.  It has a density of 235.8 persons per square mile making it 50 out of 133 in the state.  Suffolk has 100.0% of its population in its incorporated city limits.  Interstate Highway 664 enters the city from the northeast, Newport News City, and exits to the southeast, Chesapeake City.  United States Highway 13 comes from Chesapeake City, east, and goes to North Carolina, south.  United States Highway 17 goes northwest to east from Isle of Wight County to Chesapeake City.  United States Highway 58 is joined with United States Highway 13 from Chesapeake City, splits and continues west into Franklin City.  United States Highway 460 is joined with United States Highway 13 from Chesapeake City, splits and goes northwest into Isle of Wight County.  The city shape resembles a laboratory flask bending toward the northeast.  This city is in the Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News Metropolitan Statistical Area.

Location in State and Municipality


Jerry Fager
Old Courthouse (