United States

Established on July 4, 1776

United States of America (331,449,281), Washington, D.C. (689,545), New York City (8,804,190)

The stately capitol was originally completed in 1794, expanded with the Senate wing in 1800, and expanded again with the House wing in 1811.  It was rebuilt in 1815 after its burning in the War of 1812.  It has undergone numerous remodeling and expansions over the years both internally and externally.  It is located on Capitol Hill at the end of Pennsylvania Avenue at 1st Street Northwest.  Interstate Highway 395 goes underground in front of the building.  William Thornton provided the original sandstone designs in American Neoclassic.  The major supporting structures include the 1800 White House and the 1935 Supreme Court buildings.  The country was officially founded in 1776 from the Great Britain and Native American lands.  It was later expanded from French, Spanish, Mexican, and Russian lands.  The country name is descriptive of the unification of colonial states in North America.  North America is named for the Italian explorer, Amerigo Vespucci.  Washington, D.C. is named for the first country President George Washington and the explorer, Christopher Columbus.  New York City is named for the Duke of York.  Philadelphia and New York City are credited with hosting the capital functions prior to Washington, D.C.  Denali (Mount McKinley) in Alaska and Death Valley in California are the highest and lowest points, respectively. 

United States government, in the Executive, consists of an elected President and Vice President.  All other Executive positions are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.  There are 100 Senators and 435 Representatives in the Legislature.  Nine Supreme Court Justices and 179 Court of Appeals Justices serve in the Judicial.  The United States is located in the continent of North America.  The geographic center is in South Dakota, 20 miles north of Belle Fourche.  The country is surrounded clockwise by Canada, the Atlantic Ocean, Mexico, the Pacific Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean. 

The area is 3796742 square miles.  It is 3rd largest country in the world of the 197 United Nations recognized countries.  It is also the 3rd most populated country in the world.  It has a density of 87.3 persons per square mile with is the 185th most densely populated country.  Major rivers include the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Ohio, the Colorado, the Tennessee, the Rio Grande, the Columbia, the Hudson, and the Connecticut.  The capital is located in the eastern quarter of the country.  The largest city is on the eastern coast of the country.

Location in World
Jerry Fager
Supreme Court – Washington (Courthouses.co)
Appeals District 1 – Boston (Courthouses.co)
Appeals District 2 – New York City (Courthouses.co)
Appeals District 3 – Philadelphia (Courthouses.co)
Appeals District 4 – Richmond (Courthouses.co)
Appeals District 5 – New Orleans (Courthouses.co)
Appeals District 6 – Cincinnati (Courthouses.co)
Appeals District 7 – Chicago (Courthouses.co)
Appeals District 8 – St. Louis (Courthouses.co)
Appeals District 9 – San Francisco (Courthouses.co)
Appeals District 10 – Denver (Courthouses.co)
Appeals District 11 – Atlanta (Courthouses.co)
District of Columbia – Washington (Courthouses.co)

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