
Formed January 1, 1964 (6th borough)

Anchorage Municipality (291,244), Anchorage (291,244)

The modern glass and concrete courthouse was built in 1996.  The facility is located on 4th Avenue between H and I streets.  McCool Carlson Green Architects provided the Modern designs.  Interstate Highway A1 is one block south of the location.  Anchorage comes from the boat docking nearby.  It was created in January 1, 1964 when the borough formations began as the 6th borough.

Anchorage Municipality government consists of a police chief, controller, a mayor, a district attorney, and a clerk (executive).  It has 11 assembly members (legislative.)  Twenty-six Superior Judges and Fifteen District Judges serve the Third Judicial District which includes the Anchorage Municipality (judicial.)  The municipality is in south central Alaska on an inlet of the Pacific Ocean.  The center of the municipality is 1.5 miles West of Anchorage in Cook Inlet.  The municipality is surrounded clockwise by Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Chugach Census Area, and Kenai Peninsula Borough and the Pacific Ocean.  The municipality’s shape is overall like the capital letter C.  Interstate Highway A1 comes from the northeast, Matanuska-Susitna Borough, and terminates. 

The area of the municipality is 1707 square miles.  It is 28 of 30 in size.  It ranks 1 out of 30 in population in the state.  It has a density of 168.2 persons per square mile making it 1 out of 30 in the state.  Anchorage Municipality has 100% of its population in its incorporated areas.  The city of Anchorage and Anchorage Municipality are the same.  Anchorage is 100% of the municipality.  This municipality is in the Anchorage Metropolitan Statistical Area.

Location in State
Jerry Fager
Jimmy Emerson