Bristol Bay

Formed October 2, 1962 (1st borough)

Bristol Bay Borough (843), Naknek* (470)

There is a log building serving as this borough’s courthouse.  The courthouse is located on Main State.  The borough’s name comes from the bay.  The borough seat is named for the local river which is Native American for “eagle wing.”  The borough was created on October 2, 1962 as the 1st borough.  The borough shape is rectangular with a wavy western border following the bay.  Naknek is located slightly inland from the western border. 

Bristol Bay Borough government consists of a sheriff, financial director, a mayor, district attorney, and a clerk (executive).  It has 5 assembly members (legislative.)   Aleutians East Borough (judicial.)  Twenty-six Superior Judges and Fifteen District Judges serve the Third Judicial District which includes the Bristol Bay Borough (judicial.)  The borough is located in the western part of Alaska on the Bering Sea.  The center of the borough is 12.3 miles East-Southeast of Naknek nearer King Salmon Airport.  The borough is surrounded clockwise by the Bering Sea and Lake and Peninsula Borough. 

The area of the borough is 1248 square miles.  It is 29 of 30 in size. It ranks 29 out of 30 in population in the state.  It has a density of 0.69 persons per square mile making it 16 out of 30 in the state.  Bristol Bay Borough has 0% of its population in its incorporated areas.  There are no Interstates or United States Highways in this Borough.  Bristol Bay and Bristol Bay Borough are the same.  The borough seat is a division of Bristol Bay and is pronounced NAK-NEK.

Location in State and Municipalities

Naknek (unincorporated)

Jerry Fager
Naknek (Jimmy Emerson)