Ketchikan Gateway

Formed September 6, 1963 (2nd borough)

Ketchikan Gateway Borough (13,957), Ketchikan (8,193)

The masonry courthouse is at 1st and Nadeau.  The borough is located in the extreme southeast corner of the state.  It is named for the city and its location as the “gateway to Alaska.”  It was created on September 6, 1963 as the 2nd borough. 

Ketchikan Gateway Borough government consists of a sheriff, financial director, a mayor, district attorney, and a clerk (executive).  It has 7 assembly members (legislative.)  Five Superior Judges and Three District Judges serve the First Judicial District which includes the Ketchikan Gateway Borough (judicial.)  The center of the borough is .9 miles Northeast of Ketchikan.  The borough is surrounded by Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area and Wrangell Borough and the Pacific Ocean. 

The area of the borough is 4857 square miles.  It is 21 of 30 in size.  It ranks 7 out of 30 in population in the state.  It has a density of 2.83 persons per square mile making it 7 out of 30 in the state.  Ketchikan Gateway Borough has 61.5% of its population in its incorporated areas.  The borough seat makes up the majority of the borough.  Ketchikan is the borough seat and the largest city.  It is 58.7% of the borough population.  The borough is shaped like a baseball glove.  There are no Interstates or United States Highways in the Borough.  The borough and seat are pronounced KE-CHI-KAN.  This borough is in the Ketchikan Micropolitan Statistical Area.

Location in State



Jerry Fager
Courthouse (Jimmy Emerson)